If you live in Bolingbrook or Romeoville, you're in luck! Bob Kalnicky, the Republican candidate for the 98th Illinois House District announced his intentions to vote to "repeal the Pat Quinn Income Tax Hike" with the launch of his new website: http://www.bob-backs-the-tax-repeal.com/.
Bob Kalnicky, candidate for State representative in the 98th district is taking his commitment to repealing the massive 67% corporate and personal income tax hikes signed by Governor Quinn last year one step further. This weekend, Kalnicky’s campaign launched a website that memorializes the pledge – www.Bob-Backs-The-Tax-Repeal.com.
“This website puts the pledge I’m making front and center so that the people of the 98th district can hold me accountable to that when I get to Springfield. There will be no ambiguity on this issue,” said Kalnicky of the website.You can read Bob's tax repeal pledge here.