Democrat candidate for Treasurer Mike Frerichs continues to have the worst.campaign.rollout.ever in Illinois as he keeps getting tied up in a dirty money scandal that took place at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
Mike "Earmuffs" Frerichs may have donated that 'tainted' money, but he can't escape the story and the fact that he was involved.
From the News Gazette:
The News-Gazette reported in late February that Tuscola's Michael L. Woods, acting director of the IDNR Office of Mines and Minerals and head of the Douglas County Democratic Party, had taken a total of $14,000 in 2012 and 2013 from Foresight Energy Services of St. Louis. Foresight is a coal company with operations at four locations in Illinois.
Within days of Foresight's $10,000 contribution to the Douglas County Democrats, the party distributed much of it to other Democrats and Democratic organizations, including $5,000 to Gov. Pat Quinn's re-election campaign and $250 to state Sen. Mike Frerichs, D-Champaign.
Two days after The News-Gazette story, both Quinn's and Frerichs' campaign committees donated the money to charities. Woods resigned from the agency on Feb. 26.Mike Frerichs doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on his campaign's finances. Now he wants to be our Illinois State Treasurer? Illinois can't afford Mike Frerichs as our Treasurer.