Over on Facebook, the 10th Dems - the organization that calls thoughtful voters 'naive' have a post up about Mike Frerichs - Democrat Candidate for Illinois Treasurer - and they list a few facts including one about his height and one about his alma mater:
Well...guys...if we want to start listing facts about Mike, let us help!
Here's 10 other facts to get you started. Maybe you guys can use this as his intro tonight at the event???
1. He failed to pay his property taxes for seven years. Yep. Seven years. Just because.
2. He launched his campaign with a lie. He made a video to announce his campaign for Treasurer only to have to take it down 30 minutes after putting it live because he lied about his record. IN.HIS.OWN.VIDEO!
3. He can't make up his mind about where he stands in terms of limiting government. It is so laughable that his hometown paper the Champaign News-Gazette said this: “But [Frerichs] clearly doesn’t know what he really thinks, and, when candidates don’t know what they believe, they say whatever seems convenient at the moment.” (Source: Champaign News-Gazette, WBBM)
4. He agreed to attend a debate with his opponent Tom Cross on WLS Radio in Chicago, but then ducked out.
5. He supports a plan to end Illinois' investment in Israel. But once confronted with his OWN stance, he changed course.
6. His favorite choice of headgear? Earmuffs.
7. He once wore a suit to a Habitat for Humanity build. Everyone else wore work clothes and gloves.
8. He once Tweeted about a "great event" that had just four people who showed up. He was mocked in the press.
9. His campaign has been labeled "stumbling and bumbling". Really.
10. He has a Wikipedia entry named after him called "The Frerichs Vortex" - which is a phenomenon whereby fellow politicians get 'pulled down' by just being in close proximity to the Frerichs campaign.
Know more 'facts' about Mike Frerichs? Send them our way: tipthetruthteam@gmail.com