Over on the Illinois Review, some wingnut named Laurie Higgins is blathering on about how she's going to vote for Pat Quinn for Governor and she's encouraging 'fellow conservatives' to do the same.
Here's part of her silly piece:
Social moderates and the state and national GOP’ers who support them irk me so much that I am revolting. I will not be voting for Bruce Rauner. He will damage the Republican Party in ways Quinn never could. He will damage the Republican Party in the same ways our socially immoderate Republican Senator Mark Kirk is doing.
And Rauner is deceitful.
Not only will I not vote for Rauner, but I'm also voting for Quinn. I want to do everything possible to ensure that Rauner is not elected. If conservatives continue to accept the Mark Kirks and Bruce Rauners—deceptive men who don't understand how essential the "social issues" (to use the condescending, reductive, evasive term of cowards) are, then we will get more of them. And while they're in office, they will corrupt the party (or to borrow biblical language, leaven the bread). The Rauners and Kirks will disseminate their views on the "social issues" within the party and in the twinkling of a cataracted eye, the "social issues" will be removed from the party platform.When will this nonsense stop?
The fringe (wingnut) element of MY party - the Republican Party - needs to figure out that political parties aren't here to win arguments. They're here to win elections.
When we talk about things that people care about (like jobs, trust, corruption, budgets), we win more folks on our side. When we talk about what happens in people's private bedrooms, we lose.
We here at the Truth Team are proud supporters of moderate Republicans. They're the only ones who can win in Illinois today.