Over on Illinois Review, they were nice enough to post our response to the crazy blatherings from a conservative Republican here in Illinois who said she's going to vote for Pat Quinn because Bruce Rauner isn't tuned into her very specific set of 'social issues'.
In all seriousness, we have a great deal of respect for the folks behind Illinois Review. We certainly don't agree with all of their opinions, but we can't help but be in awe of their committment to champion'ing their cause for all these years. Just peek at their archives. This November, they'll be at it for eight years! Incredible!
Anyway...back to the issue at hand...
Here's our full take as posted here on the Truth Team.
And...here's is what they posted:
Even after seeing it highlighted in someone else's webspace, we stand by our statement: political parties aren't here to win arguments. They're here to win elections.
So far...we haven't been lit up by the comments yet...but the morning is early!