The "Days Since Mike Frerichs Made A Mistake" Sign didn't have a chance.
In his own signature way, our favorite l
But, it wasn't just signature because it was written 'breathlessly', but also because it was wrong. (can't you just hear the shrieks that typically come out of a teen's basement sleepover whenever you read something from Mike? Is it us alone that feels that way? Can't be, right?!?)
As he attempts to tie his opponent to t
He points out that his opponent was at some event back in 2011?
Pix or it didn't happen is how we work around here at the Truth Team.
And..unfortunately for Mike Frerichs...There are pix of his opponent. Just not at the conference.
Turns out, he was in his district?
That's a shame. Blows a hole in the narrative, doesn't it Mike?