It appears that the Pat Quinn for Governor handlers and digital folks are keenly tuned into the Illinois Truth Team and have seen the impact and destruction that the "Mike Frerichs Vortex" has caused to candidates up and down the ballot this cycle.
They're not letting Governor Pat Quinn get anywhere NEAR Mike Frerichs and the Frerichs Vortex.
What makes us say that, you ask?'s some hard photographic evidence.
First...take a peek at the photo of this Sierra Club event that Mike Frerichs posted on his Facebook Wall (of course he did, right?!?!). See Mike over there in the circle?
But, then look at what Governor Pat Quinn's folks did to the photo when they posted on the campaign's official Flickr account: they cropped Mike and his Vortex right out.
They know better than to include him and his gaffes in the photo. The Frerichs Vortex is strong, folks. Say what you will about Pat Quinn, but his campaign understands the dynamics of the Frerichs Vortex and they've wisely avoided it.
Further proof of the lengths Governor Pat Quinn will go to distance himself from the walking/talking mess that is Mike Frerichs and the Frerichs Vortex is in this photo that was taken in late September and posted on Quinn's Flickr account. Look who's in there standing with Pat? That's right. Sheila Simon. The woman who basically abandoned him. Sheila Simon may be getting lapped by Judy Baar Topinka in the Comptroller's race, but there is no "Simon Vortex" that pulls folks down.